
Linda & Rocky

Approximately two years ago I lost my Hearing Service Dog, Shadow from cancer. Shadow was my precious, best buddy Border Collie "Shadow". After Shadow's death, my husband Vaughn and I found a beautiful Border Collie puppy named "Rocky" through the internet and drove there to meet Rocky. He was only 5 months old. We loved him and brought him home with us that same day! He brought me such a joy! He is so full of energy. After my heart was broken since I lost my Shadow, I was worried about getting another dog so soon, but Rocky is so intelligent and loveable.

After I got Rocky, I called numerous Hearing Service Dog companies to help train me and my Rocky. They won't help me because I have another dog at my home which is a 5-year-old Yellow Lab. I was disappointed. I simply can't get rid of my old dog and I needed a service dog. I started looking for Grete because she used to train me and my Shadow long ago. She was not working with the same group as before, so I was unable to locate her. Then one day a friend of mine talked to me about hearing service dogs and she knew who Grete was. Grete now works for Puppy Love Caring Canines, Inc. and she agreed to train me and my Rocky, even though I have another dog at home. I am a dog lover and I am so happy I don't have to get rid of my old, sweet dog. Rocky learned quickly and loved to work. One day I was sitting in my living room with my laptop, and Rocky jumped on me and barking to get my attention. I followed him to the laundry room and noticed my washing machine was really loud and pounding and shaking! I hadn't trained him to that sound. Also, one late night I was sleeping. Rocky woke me up to the window during a very loud thunderstorm. I still couldn't hear it until I came to the window, feeling the vibration knowing it was very loud. I am so grateful for Grete and Puppy Loving Caring Canines, Inc. for training Rocky and me. I truly am deeply appreciative for him! I always feel safe with my hearing service dog every day. Rocky is my ears and hears for me. Plus he and our other dog Chancy have become best friends and Rocky is teaching her how to work, too... of course she just likes to follow him around.

Our family is complete again!

Linda & Rocky







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